Google I/O 2023 Livestream: What does Google have to offer this time?
You already know what you want to achieve? Then you are ready for technology decisions. There are loads of concepts and technologies out there. Here we point out the pros and cons for the relevant set of IoT technologies.
Google I/O 2023 Livestream: What does Google have to offer this time?
Seit sich Ende 2019 Amazon, Apple, Google, Comcast und die Zigbee Alliance zusammen getan haben um mit „Connected Home over IP“ oder kurz „CHIP“ einen neuen Standard für die Hersteller-übergreifende Vernetzung von Geräten im Smart Home zu etablieren, hat man nur wenig gehört. So richtig bekannt ist das Projekt heute noch nicht. Nicht einmal die deutsche Wikipedia hat einen Eintrag dafür. Doch erste Geräte könnten vielleicht schon im Laufe des Jahres verfügbar werden.
Hört Alexa wirklich nicht mehr mit, wenn wir die Mikrofon-Taste des Amazon Echo Lautsprechers aktivieren?
Protect yourself better against an infection with Covid-19 and learn something at the same time: Researchers at the Umwelt-Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Trier and experts of the German national Digital Summit have developed an open source kit […]
Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues to expand its expertise in the Internet of Things. Cooperation with telecommunications providers is playing an increasingly important role. At the AWS Telco Symposium Online at the end of June, everything revolved around partnerships between […]
A team of researchers of the University of Birmingham have developed a new biosolar cell that could be used to power small and low power devices in the Internet of Things. At the moment, the battery could provide an estimated four-day power supply which is a big step forward compared to similar biofuel cells, that only last a few hours so far.
As if voice control via Alexa isn’t already scary enough for many: The American company Nūrio goes one step further. The company announced a so-called “EEG device” in the form of an ear stud for mid-2020, with which IoT devices can be controlled – by thought.
In contrast to the IT sector, where new developments are planned and executed at least once a year, the housing industry is somewhat more leisurely in terms of planning, construction and operation. As a rule, planning is made in decades instead of quarters. And yet: the housing industry will not avoid digitization either. But how can both be brought together in a sustainable and future-proof way?
The Californian Semtech Corporation will supply the Dortmund-based Lemonbeat GmbH with LoRa technology for its smart metering solutions in the future.
The Internet of Things is growing rapidly. Millions, if not billions, of new devices will be connected worldwide in the coming years. This confronts the Internet with new challenges to master. Due to its architecture and technologies, the World Wide […]